NEVER give up dreaming!
Both Jeff and Valerie are dreamers at heart, both entrepreneurs in business, always wanting to make their own path, both adventurers, always looking for the next exciting adventure on the road, always thirsty for an even more liberating and exciting experience... just around the corner!
Many times, they have discussed hitting the road and living full-time in an RV, exploring the nation's back-roads, awesome coastlines, deserts and mountains, with the attitude; OUR HOME IS WHERE WE PARK IT!
During our lives, we put on many masks. Some that hide our true selves, our smiles and true expressions.
OUR goal is to LIVE LIFE to the fullest. To WAKE UP "OUR" HAPPY!
We invite you to WAKE UP YOUR HAPPY with us.
See you on the road!
“When you feel butterflies in your stomach,
invite them into your heart.” ~ Kelly McGonigal

I’ve always felt I was a gypsy and I pretty much lived my life to the beat of my own drum though many times I let someone take over that beat while under their spell I lost myself. I am grateful for many mentors that gave me the courage to shake loose from that and live my life authentically being me.
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Jeff was born in San Francisco in 1951, and lived all along the coast, down as far as San Clemente and Bonsall, and back-and-forth to Tucson and St. David, AZ. He is currently mobile, living the life of a gypsy nomad in a fifth wheel, with his partner Valerie. Jeff has been a Jack-of-all-trades, with a mastery of at least a few!
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Full-Time RV Living
Scary and exciting, all at the same time! Jeff and Valerie finally took a LEAP OF FAITH, needing to feel the freedom, eager to spread their wings. Fear? It's there, but they chose to champion the unknown, to embrace it... to LIVE IT!
Their motto and business; "WAKE UP YOUR HAPPY", directs their personal and business lives, on and off the road.
Jeff and Valerie encourage everyone to take the time to look inside, know who you are and express that to the world. "We are all unique, just like a snowflake and a gift to all" says Jeff.
While on the road, Jeff and Valerie offer their daily experiences online; questions, fears, answers, excitement , accomplishments and challenges, and invite you all to follow. They also offer their services to generate an income, allowing them to continue to pursue their dream, WAKE UP YOUR HAPPY.
Please JOIN US on the road!

“Just living is not enough "said the butterfly, "one must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower." -Hans Christian Andersen
“Let go of the past, Trust the future, Embrace change, Come out of the cocoon, Unfurl your wings, Dare to get off the ground, Ride the breezes, Savor the flowers, Put on your brightest colors and Let your beauty show.